Friday, January 29, 2010

oh boy <---- yeah, I really said that

I'm ever-so-happy to share some big life news.

It goes like this:

I was hurdling toward 30 last year and a month or so before my birthday in October, Steve and I had a very long talk on our front porch one evening.  We both decided it was time to start the family we had long wanted.  And you know.  It was that night, or one soon after:  boink!  We made a baby.  And he is due in June!  

We are thrilled beyond words to be parents.  I'm enjoying my pregnancy to the fullest; it has been easy to do since luckily, I admit, I dodged the nasty first trimester bullets.  Really, I am going with the motions.  I'm probably the most under-read pregnant woman you've ever met.  But if I was reading, reading, reading, I'd make myself cuckoo (just visit some of those forums, ugh).  So I'm going with instinct and surprisingly, it has done wonders for me.  

Our baby does have a name -- this too was easy.  We're continuing with family tradition and so he'll be Stephen George Surname III.  We are affectionately going to call him George.

George!  Georgie!  George!  You guys, I can't wait to meet him.


.......... said...

Oh boy, indeed!!! SO EXCITING!!! Mucho congrats to you and Steve :)

naynayfazz said...

What a sweet post, Madge. Even though I don't know you very well, I am so excited to get to know you and your new family. Congratulations again.

The Q said...

Hooray! I was wondering when we'd get to hear more. This is so exciting!

Lauren said...

Ugh, you even sound glowing. You're oozing cuteness. Can't wait to see pictures of your stomach.

LittlePea said...

OH! I'm so happy for you! How wonderful! And what a great name. I love George--every George I've ever known have been great guys. Couldn't be more thrilled. And I can't wait til it's my turn.

kimberlina said...

:) i had the biggest smile when i heard your news. so congrats!