Monday, January 18, 2010

Mrs. Almost Never Daily

Slacking here...but I have my reasons.

One week ago today (Jan. 11), Steve and I got married!  We fled to the third floor of the Palm Beach County Courthouse, handed over our marriage license, stepped in a little room, held hands, said vows, kissed, and voilà!  We were pronounced husband and wife by an officiant who didn't "get" District 9 (what's not to get? We wanted to know but didn't ask).  We left in a giggly hurry to our car, slapped a JUST MARRIED poster on the window and then partied at Dunkin Donuts with coffee (and for me, the maple frosted donut).  And then we sat in our backyard for a stretch and gushed and gooed.  

And then, we each had to go to work.  

A honeymoon in April...


.......... said...


Lauren said...

Exciting. Where are you going?

Kate said...

Congrats congrats congrats!

kimberlina said...

i love that you put a just married poster on your window! it sounds SO lovely and relaxing and romantic!

LittlePea said...

That's GREAT! That's almost exactly how I got married. Instead of Dunkin Donuts it was a mexican restarant called RIo Bravo. The giggling part was the same though! I'm so happy for you!

JoyfulMama said...

Oh, I love it. I always recommend eloping.