Monday, December 28, 2009

drop in time

My vacation has been wonderful and I'm right smack in the middle of it...stretching it out as long as I possibly can...Best part of the break so far?  This little happy Christmas surprise from Steve: a Nikon D5000.  OOOHH lordy!  I wish I was more with it to share some of my pictures.  Not quite yet!


kimberlina said...

can't wait to see more pics! also, can i say how happy i am that you and steve are both nikon fans? ;)

madge said...

while i've been enjoying my canon g9 these last couple of years...i'm so thrilled to be back with nikon!! a girl never forgets her first...and it was a nikon. i. love. them!

.......... said...

wow-wee! i can't wait to see your shots!

and ooh... team nikon... i'm a nikon gal myself...