Monday, November 30, 2009

nuts to you

So it's the last day of Nablopomo and I hear they have "fail" badges for display.  I so earned one!

Another fail:  I just tried to make my little sister's caramelized (candied? I don't know) walnuts and mine turned out awful!  I definitely missed on the sugar : salt ratio.  Way too much salt, bletch!

But I'm succeeding at some little things:  finishing Lit, by Mary Karr (Texan, poet, memoir kickstarter, and who knew, goddaughter of Toby Wolff, one of my favorite writers evs).  I did say some little things, right, indicating plural?  Everything else fails me now!

I'll let you know if anything else comes to mind.  Too, I plan on blogging tomorrow.  I should aim for a week straight.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

oh MAN, i got these dark chocolate covered almonds from trader joe's recently! it was turbinado sugar and sea salt. i popped one in my mouth and had to run for the trashcan, mouth agape. too much salt IS yuck!