Sunday, November 08, 2009


Yay! An upcoming Thanksgiving holiday in Portland...I haven't been since May...which in Madge months = 24 months.  

Steve is out in the garage installing a new sink for his darkroom -- whoa; she's a real stainless beauty!  It came from a police crime lab via Craigslist.  Did I ever mention my desk came from the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement?  Someone didn't clean the desk out so well...there was a lot of paperwork wedged in between the drawers, and one miniature cassette tape that I've never played.  A confession?  Top secret evidence, lost in the ruckus?  Hmmm.  

Speaking of law enforcement, I'm hear to say I watched America's Most Wanted last night so you didn't have to -- and let me tell you -- I was either scared out of my pants or crying or both.  John Walsh is like the new Chuck Norris or something.  I hadn't seen the show in a long, long time.  I was tougher when I was 13, I think.

I feel compelled to write that the wind is still OUT OF CONTROL.  What the heck!  I'm extremely surprised we haven't lost power yet.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I think I was tougher when I was 13 too. I always hated Unsolved Mysteries as well. Both shows freaked me out.