Monday, November 02, 2009

already making a bad impression

So we're driving around our little city and notice there are folks holding signs for political candidates on many corners.  The election is tomorrow, and Steve and I are pretty passionate about local politics.  I decide to give a big, obnoxious thumbs down to this one woman holding two signs for two candidates I really don't want to see in office.  It was only after we drove by that Steve recognized the woman: his aunt.  FML.  It wasn't really her, right?  It was definitely her.  She didn't recognize me, did she?  Oh, she definitely did.  Thank god I didn't flick her a bird.  I was this close.


Lauren said...

Beautiful. Oh, damn that's funny.

Vonlipi said...


naynayfazz said...

If that isn't a "doh!" moment, I don't know what is. -naynayfazz

kimberlina said...

i <3 you.

The Q said...

Does she already know your political views? I mean, could she think it was funny? Is Thanksgiving going to be awkward?