Saturday, November 14, 2009

the 14th

I just erased a few paragraphs.  You'd probably disown me if you read them.  The gist:  omg, the weather! omg, I didn't blog last night 'cause I'm 30 and old and like, ty-erd at 11:00 p.m.!

I like to find places that were made for people, but that people don't ever hardly notice.  Benches in the middle of a Target parking lot, alcoves in airports away from gates and food lines, deserted courtyards with tables and chairs, fountains with ledge seating, etc.  This is probably because I notice places where "play" is encouraged in spots otherwise thick with work and commerce.  And I'm not talking physical play -- more imagination, reading spots, introspective timeouts, etc.  Not work.  And then there's the part where I'm not much of a people person; my introverted self must recharge away from people.  So today we spotted a courtyard near downtown West Palm Beach - empty, canopied by huge oak trees and bougainvillea.  It was like a small vacation - a rejuvenation picnic - we stopped and had lunch in it.  

And then we forgot to go to the vegetable stand for sugar snap peas.  We must have been too carried away in the sunshine.

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