Monday, September 07, 2009

happy last few hours of labor day

I'm writing this from the new-fangled post composition thingy and the default font here seems to be Kill Me Now Times New Roman.  So formal...I feel like I need a thesis statement.

It was a lovely Labor Day, and I hope all of you had a nice day off from laboring.  I was laboring in the home and in the yard, which was a satisfying alternative to laboring in the public library.  Speaking of the public library, Party Girl (aka best movie ever) actress Parker Posey has Lyme disease, wtf!  I know it's semi-old news, but nonetheless news to me.

Here are a couple of observations: has Pier 1 ever updated their inventory, like, ever?  And does the inside of Pottery Barn remind you of the 1990s and the set of Friends?  What the heck!  I only make this observation since Steve and I are on the hunt for new drinking glasses the perfect drinking glasses and have made recent stops in these places.

I think I'm off to go read...loving my book.


Lauren said...

Oh, Parker Posey is my favorite. Party Girl is the best movie EVER. Has she been hanging out in the woods?

.......... said...

that's so sad. about parker posey. le cub really likes her. his fav movie is "best in show"......... :)