Sunday, August 23, 2009


Not even able to post through August!  Hahaha, I am always the nablopomo punch line.  Perhaps when it's "real," I'll post daily in November. 

Work, my least favorite topic to write about, is stressful.  So stressful!  I need to head back to Palm Springs and lounge by a swimming pool.  I think a trip to the beach is definitely in order for this coming Friday.  Don't you agree?  I just to need to float in some salty turquoise water and all will be okay.  Here gulf stream, have some of my stress.

Saw the future nephew via sonogram on Friday: it was so incredible! 

Five mile run in order for tonight:  yeehaw!  Short & sweet, I hope.



Matty said...

Ahh, both sound inviting. Just thinking about it and I can feel the stress draining out of me.

Did my run this morning to get it done and out of the way before the heat turned up.

kimberlina said...

ugh! i'm so sorry to hear that work is so stressful! :( are you looking towards anything else that might be better suited to a stress-free madge?