Monday, August 17, 2009

The funny thing is, I was again trying to post daily for the month of August.

What the heck! Why is it always so hard for me?

Other areas of slacking: reading (wtf, Madge!); keeping things generally neat & tidy.

I am hoping the week goes quickly -- for no reason other than getting to Thursday, 5 pm = le weekend. Steve has been building the most magnificent pergola in our backyard, covering our patio. We're going to tease (already) enormous bougainvillea to cover the structure and finally have a shady place to relax in these hot summer months. He installed an outdoor ceiling fan in it last night -- after running 13 miles -- it was like heaven to sit under the breeze and relax. When it is completely finished, I'm going to have some photos up here -- it deserves to be in the books!

No more news, at least nothing of note...Jane, Cole, Dean, & D. Sergei are all doing well. Jane regularly uses Cole as a pillow, which is worthy of a photo, except she only does it at during the dark of night when we're all piled on the bed.

Until I am inspired to meet y'all again...which is soon, I hope! Maybe I can finish off the rest of the month like a good blogger. Wait: I'm putzing around on my other blog, Solid Cherry -- most of my magazine scans are there now. Having two blogs is completely insane for someone as scatterbrained as me, but I'm up for it lately.


Lauren said...

i have been slacking in the reading department too. i need a really good book.

kimberlina said...

i need to add your other blog to my reader.


also, i cannot wait to see pics of the pergola!