Tuesday, January 22, 2013

i resolve to

So we're buried in boxes, and when you are unpacking a great big mess there's little time to make resolutions.  But I have a second right now.

1.  Stop eating out all the damn time.  Really.  Homemade food is just so much better.  And now I have this great kitchen and a never ending supply of cookbooks from library.  

2.  Read more.  (Currently on book 3 of 2013: This Is How You Lose Her / Junot Diaz)

3.  Walk often.  I'm in a new neighborhood and there is a lot of exploring to do.  

4.  Enjoy every moment of maternity leave - even the most exhausting moments - and don't let returning to work sour it. 

5.  Take George to the library more.  The boy loves it, but it is the last place I want to be during my days off so we rarely ever go.  On the MLK holiday, he asked if I would take him.  And it was closed.  Doh.

6.  Watch way less TV.  Way less.  We don't watch a lot of live TV, so we convinced ourselves that we don't want much at all.  But the reality is, we spend a lot of time watching.  And it has consumed my creative time -- where I was otherwise editing photos, writing here, making things, etc., now I'm falling asleep during episodes of Boardwalk Empire or pounding a bowl of cereal at 11:45 p.m. because it goes well with TV (especially if it is chocolate).  

7.  Keep off the soda.  (I've been soda free since November 20.)

Merry 2013.  

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Boardwalk Empire is hard to quit.