Wednesday, December 21, 2011

top ten things of 2011


10.  The first anniversary of my marriage was way back in January (01/11/11 – not too shabby all those 1’s) and though Steve and I still don’t have wedding bands to show for it outside my engagement ring, all is well.  I delight in saying “my husband” when I tell others about him – strangers, coworkers (who might as well be strangers!), friends. 

9.  Our new house.  We quietly packed up our things and left our old house – a mere 7 or so blocks away – to a slightly bigger, Spanish-style home.  The new kitchen is a place where two adults, one rambunctious toddler, and two big dogs can “be” without bumping into each other, cupboards or appliances.  There’s a swimming pool out back.  There’s a working fireplace (and unfortunately a very warm winter thus far).  Life is good on O, our street.

8.  George (not that he ranks #8, but I’m doing this both chronologically and from memory).  He was a crawling drooling little chub in January and still very much a baby.  By his first birthday in June, he was walking.  Now he is running, talking and loves spending time with his books, tools, dogs (the cats get chased; sorry cats), and being outdoors, collecting sticks, pine cones and pointing out the dog poop we’ve missed.  UH-OH! POOPOO!  He has a sweetness and tenderness about him that is genuine; a concern for others that I learn from.  Ooof, I love my baby.

7.  When George turned 1, my mom came to town.  She was able to spend some quality 1-on-1 time with George and I’m grateful for every ounce of it.  In August, my dad, little sister and again, mom came.  I always struggle with missing my family – it’s like an illness that I manage without prescription drugs.  They are so freaking far away!  My husband(!) always buys vehicles with 4-wheel drive.  Recently I asked him why that was; we live in Florida and there’s really little need for it.  “You never know when we are going to move to Oregon.”

6.  There was a family reunion to Captiva, a gorgeous barrier island on Florida’s Gulf, in August.  Captiva is paradise.  We stayed in a cottage right on the beach.  Food, family, fun.  After the festivities, we drove through Sanibel, vowing to come back soon.  Are you reading this Steve.

5.  While not a highlight by any measure for good reasons, one of Steve’s uncles unexpectedly passed away and we went to north Florida for his funeral.  North Florida is completely different from South Florida – up there, it is the South.  There are hills and thick accents.  We went up to his uncle’s property after the funeral – acres of shaded land – and though I never met the man, there was a very welcoming presence.  You could feel the love.  I met some of Steve’s family I’d never met.  It was a nice coming together, even though it was a sad time. 

4. In September we went to Montana, and though it was something I was openly dreading, it was not a half-bad trip.  George met the mountains, and if he had his way, he’d never have left all that fresh air and open space.  I predict the boy will move out West if we do not.  He covered more ground than I knew possible.

3. Shortly after Montana, we went to Portland.  George met extended family and a couple close, dear friends I’ve known all my life.  It was an incredible time.  George was happiest exploring the great outdoors or snuggling with his aunts or playing with my parents.  We went throughout Portland and though it was brief, I inhaled enough of its air to keep me happy until…spring?  Summer? 

2. Return to reading and listening.  What?  I didn’t do so well with my reading this year and the past few years I’ve all but neglected music.  Both broke my heart.  In October, I decided to do something about it.  Reading requires time, and I’m able to listen to a lot of books on my commutes which can sometimes take 2 hours of my day.  I check out the physical copy of the same book I’m listening to so that I can read when time permits.  I also turned to the library’s music collection to reintroduce myself to music from 2009—present.  Working off Best-Of lists from NPR Music and Rolling Stone, I’ve been able to add quite a few albums to my collection.  It feels good.

1.  This. 
Out of 2500 applicants, 50-odd people were chosen to participate, and Steve is one of them (see second 38).  The juror, Todd Hido, has been an idol of his for a long time.  Steve said to me “just to have my photos in front of him was enough.”  

Well, and there you have it. 

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