Sunday, August 14, 2011

boy oh boy

Here's George trying a sliver of Parmesan cheese for the first time.

(This reminds me.  When I was a girl and the family would go out for pizza, I'd be so hungry for it that I'd dump gazillions of Parmesan into a cupped hand and sustain myself on it until the pizza came to the table.)

This is George on Parmesan:

Also, he's got a thing for slurping on water.  It stays in his mouth for a time and then it comes back out.  Especially when new teeth are in the mix.  Hence the wet shirt*.

*Outfit explanation:  if George is wearing Polo, that means it was a gift from his grandpa, who loves Ralph Lauren for boys more than you love wine, or chocolate, or whatever you please (once, when we were in a very upscale retail establishment, I think it was K-Mart, a total thug was giving George props for wearing Polo).  One of the "teachers" at his "school" loves to pop his Polo collars and roll the sleeves a little to "show off his muscles" as you'll notice, above.


.......... said...

oh, georgie......... :) i feel the same way about CHEESE.

kimberlina said...

george is ridica-cute. i swoon over your fb photos.