Friday, June 17, 2011

happy birthday george

From almost never daily

My camera battery, tested the night before, totally DIED the moment guests started arriving for George’s first birthday.  Argh!  Thankfully, a lot of folks had cameras and sent me some photos.  This one is my favorite!  To be honest, George was tired and not in the best mood for his party.  But when we sang to him, he made this smile.  And then he sampled some buttercream frosting, which he felt was a wonderful way to wrap up his first year.  But wait!  Then came the presents.  He really loved those presents, too.

Here’s a very quick recap of how his first year began:

Saturday, June 12, 2010.  My water broke at 4:44 a.m.  “My water broke!”  I said it very dramatically.  “Did you pee yourself?” says Steve. 

I delivered George at 9:40 p.m. 

He came out yelling!  Like he was making an announcement, a loud grand entrance.  And then, not more than two seconds after he was born, he peed.  I had this feeling about me that George was a very strong, healthy boy.  And then I cried.  I shook all over.  I was overcome with warm fuzzy love. 

I am not the same Madge as I was when you met me.  And George is the best, ever, ever.

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