Saturday, April 09, 2011


Tigers, tigers everywhere...

Just finished this number:

From almost never daily

Now well into this number:

From almost never daily

For years I was a staunch hater of e-readers.  Really, up until about last week.  But then I bought one (a Nook Color) over the weekend.  And now?  I really, really like it.  Backstory:  I guess you could say we get a lot of questions about e-readers and e-books at the library, since we offer downloadable e-books.  And yes, I could answer most of the questions, but I wasn't pleased with my circuitous, Sarah Palinish answers.  I decided it was time to get one of my own since reference librarians are expected to, like, know everything.  Something else happened last week, too.  I realized I had another need for one.  If I had an e-reader, I could read in the dark, disturbing no one else.  HUGE.  So I went to B&N and scooped up a Nook.  We are inseparable.  

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

i know it, i'm kind of craving a kindle. librarians are crumbling all around me and i SO want one.

one day.