Friday, November 05, 2010

cold front!

The low tonight is expected to be a whopping 47 degrees.  Thank you, thank you!  I'll take it, Florida.  So he can comfortably weather the chill, we're gonna put George in his fuzzy wuzzy jammies after his bath.  Yes!!

Reading, albeit very slowly, A Friend of the Family.  Every comma is like a little present, a generous pause to make you stop during each sentence and say hallelujah!  There is some good writing up in here.  Ordinarily it's not something I'm sure I'd ever pick up, but I requested it after reading a review of it from a reading group publication.  Love reading obscure reviews.

There's laundry growing out my ears, so I'd better get to that.  


Lauren said...

The weather is the same here.

kimberlina said...

are you doing laundry every day? i hear it increases exponentially with the addition of a child.