Friday, September 24, 2010

kind of sucky

  • I have to call my job's sick line before 8 a.m. each day to report that I'm not coming to work.  I haven't officially quit, am temporarily begging to keep my position until late November, though unsure about it;  found out my first request to stay at home was denied.  Going with a Hail Mary, but I strongly don't want to go back to work.  I have such issues.  WHY DON'T I JUST QUIT!  Hello, hello.
  • The shittiest teacher I ever had in high school has a fan page on FB.  She has a lot of fans.  I just saw this and spent some time reliving painful Madge moments.  
  • It is 2:30 a.m.  I should be sleeping, hello!


.......... said...

but georgie needs you...

kimberlina said...

ugh, so sorry you don't like your job!! i'm SO lucky i don't work with the public.


i hope that everything works out until late november!!