Wednesday, June 17, 2009

three day squee

Just a few more minutes until I'm done with my lunch break, and then a few more hours until I get to go home...and home is where I'll be for the next three days.  Say it with me now.  Three.  Days.  Off.  Do you know just how many scans of clippings I'm going to do?  DO YOU. 

It's one of my favorite times of year here at the library...where we renew our periodical subscriptions, cancel titles or add new ones.  Many of our titles died in the last year, so there's room in the budget to add quite a is bittersweet.  In fact, aside from the renewal process, there's just a lot going on at many projects.  My plate is full; I love it that way -- it's a distraction from all the wackos. 

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