Tuesday, May 19, 2009

whiniest post evars. ignore until the sweet comes back.

Here are three things I wrote down today in a meeting, disguised as important "notes", that could be filed under things I don't do:
  • Excel spreadsheets, adding machines (two for the price of one).
  • Boots (even when I lived in Portland, I don't think I ever wore boots).
  • Wearing anything that could be confused with jammies in public.
And I stopped right there. My coffee was getting cold, and I was having evil thoughts about the people sitting behind me. I can't stand when people don't say HI or HELLO when you say as much to them. What do I expect from a room full of librarians? Definitely not exemplary personalities.

Speaking of librarians...a rare stupid story from the front lines of...the library. Today a gentleman came to me and asked if we had a scanner so he could scan his resume or "whatever". Nicely, I said no. I referred him to the closest Kinkos and he said, "Why would I go there? It would cost me $14 to scan something!" And I'm thinking, why are you here? It costs you .20 to MAKE A PHOTOCOPY in this building! I had to listen to him further because he gave me the taxpayer bit ("My taxes! And there is no scanner?!!"). His taxes probably paid for one square foot of carpet six years ago (.90) and two paperbacks (roughly, eh, $8). And possibly a few squares of toilet paper that I'm going to go ahead and assume I used, on his hard-earned dime.

Do you know I have started yelling in my sleep? I dream so frequently of work that when I get there in the morning, I feel like I've been there for hours already. I am frustrated with the career path I chose, to be blunt. I don't know if it was my best choice. On that note, I have to publish this soon or else it turns into a pumpkin and that would not be sweet.


kimberlina said...

oh madge! i'm sorry to hear you're so unhappy in your job right now. i find that i get that way anytime i have to work with the public... you sound like you need a vacation - is there one planned soon? getting away helps, though usually only for about 4 hours once you get back.

and it IS strange to be a librarian. i am quite sure that it's different in more... urban cities. not florida. not old grumpy people and closed off republicans. as annoying as hipsters are, i'm sure cities that are full of hipster librarians are way more exciting to work with. where communities enjoy the library and appreciate it more on a whole. or maybe i'm being idealistic.

i am SO damn lucky that i don't work with the public, so i am not as ... confrontational on a daily basis with frustrating customers and fellow librarians. however, i do get shot down when our higher ups don't want to add customer reviews to books in the catalog because they don't want to invite comments from the public and our lawyers don't like the idea of "sharing". wtf?! so i just get cynical and feel like nothing will change and any conferences or meetings or new ideas i have will just turn to ash.

... end rant. it is too bad we do not work together and could have coffee and lunch breaks to buoy ourselves through the day!

kimberlina said...

holy fuck that was long.