Friday, May 08, 2009

sweet holy shit

Time is a man-made thing. It is technically Friday, May 8th, but only by an hour. This means I missed my post yesterday, even though it still feels like today. EFF! But I am posting now, and I will again today tomorrow. What?!

Naps = devilish. Don't nap. If you have never napped before, I don't encourage you to start. They lead to things like time vacuums. They suck! Especially when they are three hours long and you feel more shitty upon waking up then when your head hit the pillow. Down with naps!

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

i count this as a post for thursday. time be damned!

and i'm with you on naps. well.. kind of. mine are almost always 3+ hrs long and completely waste my days. but... they feel so good when they're happening.