Sunday, May 03, 2009

sunday sweetness

While the general populace gets to take a lazy Sunday usually every week, I wake up early and head to work. Traffic is a non-issue, the morning in the office/library is quiet and slow until we open our doors, and I get to work on things I enjoy with very little interruption.  It has its pluses.  But before all of that boring stuff happens, it is a great Sunday morning when Steve wakes up with me and goes out and brings home a coffee and donut.  A sweet way to start the day.

Now, for other things: we went down to Miami Beach yesterday morning and shot some 120 film.  Me: Holga.  Steve: Rolliflex.  We both sort of feel like Miami is not a city but a huge import/export corporation, where everything is for sale and it is not made very well.  We find a lot of posers on the streets, and we laugh about them.  How do you eat breakfast in the Miami sun, sans umbrella, hungover?  Does anyone like to eat food that is being cooked twice over by the hot sunshine?  Ewwwww.  But people are doing it.  For the sake of their tans.  Anyway, visiting Miami Beach always makes me feel like I am on vacation, even if I don't stay very long. 

And I did another long run in the late afternoon.  It was too hot!  But I perservered.

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