Sunday, May 17, 2009


I ran nine miles in the ass-kicking heat tonight; all that alone time and what did I do with it? I'll tell you what I did not do: I did not mentally prepare for this post. Some asshole kid lobbed a water balloon at me from a car into my first mile. I don't like surprises like that - which reminds me, when I was about twelve I tried to solve a mystery surprise. It was another hot day and I was walking up the street to the store. About 100 yards in front of me, some boys were walking, sloshing around Big Gulps and doing chest bumps. Simultaneously, I felt a cold splat in my hair and thought an ice cube from a Big Gulp had somehow escaped its cup, traveled backwards and knocked me in the head. It was a little refreshing, this cold surprise. But it was not an ice cube - it was bird shit. I ran home and took the hottest shower I've ever taken in August.

My legs are so sore tonight I can hardly walk -- work tomorrow should be interesting.


kimberlina said...

this made my laugh out loud. :)

Kate said...

9 miles! High five!

.......... said...

omg, you are awesome.
you are also a beast!
9 miles?!