Monday, May 25, 2009

gulp. sweet failure.

I'm convinced I exist to make you feel productive. I cannot hack a 31 day challenge as simple as logging into Blogger (which I don't even need to do: I'm already always "in"), typing a few things and clicking PUBLISH POST. Jeez.

Here's what Saturday was like: rainy. I was all prepared to run 10 miles; I woke up early and everything. As soon I got out of bed, thunder clapped right over our house, lightening squeezed its way through our shades and it has poured more on than off ever since. Streets flooded. Sewage pipes broke open at key intersections. Our power is winking and blinking more than McCain & Palin. Is it me, or does STOP EVERYTHING rain just sort of get annoying? I shouldn't be whining. We really need this weather. I'll stop.

On Saturday night I saw the Big Lebowski for the second time in the theater. The first time I saw it was when it was released in 1998 (I've seen it on video/DVD since); a small playhouse/theater in our little city showed it every Saturday in May so we took advantage. We had dinner at a German restaurant beforehand...yum. Nothing like weiner schnitzel and the Dude in one night.

Sunday: work! In the middle of everyone's three-day weekend, I was handling the masses that swarmed the public library.

Today was spent exclusively avoiding rain and oppressive humidity. And fridge shopping. I miss having a cold drink at my leisure. I'm thinking refrigeration is right up there with soap and the vacuum in terms of modern marvels I appreciate a lot.

I finished reading Crazy Love. And it leaves me with the urge to throw this out there:

National Domestic Violence Hotline -- 1.800.799.SAFE

Ok. Off to finish the laundry I so happily ignored the last few days. Let's see if I can't finish the week with perfect post-attendance.


Verdant Earl said...

The Big Lebowski is about the best way I can think of spending a Saturday night. Nice!

kimberlina said...

we DO need this weather. but it is hard when all i want to do is get in the pool and it's thundering and lightning out like no one's business! though, i'm so impressed by your early morning weekend wakeup skillz.