Sunday, May 31, 2009

feet, sweet, stuff

The downside to running? My toes never looked so bad! I am getting water blisters under my toenails (which are not painful, I gratefully add, only weird) and blisters on top of other blisters. Not doing any foot modeling any time soon.

This is technically my final sweet post for the nablopomo challenge, May 2009. I wish I could say more, but I don't even feel that excited about the end.

Things on my mind:
  • I have to get back to taking pictures more regularly.
  • Must scan the rest of my Holga negatives!
  • Must find something new to read, since I didn't get to finish Admission before having to give it back to the library (doh!).
  • Family visits (the parents in June, the little sister in July).
  • Massive purge of stuff. I feel one coming on.


kimberlina said...

oh, i love the purge. it's so lovely and clean. assuming one can do it correctly, of course.

learn me!

Spinning Girl said...

I never run, unless a tiger is chasing me. which is never.

.......... said...

purging here in cali' as well...
don't know how the closet got so full.

Kate said...

How much are you running?!?! I have these socks that are so wonderful they almost inspire me to go running right now just so I can have an excuse to put them on. They're thin and snug with arch support and the physics of their fit really suggests they prevent blisters because they stay with my foot and THEY rub against the shoe. They're really liners. I don't know what that means.
