Thursday, May 21, 2009

elizabeth taylor, library, milk

Today at work, I was quite taken with a photograph of a young Elizabeth Taylor holding the cutest kitten (Tailspin) in the world. I found the picture in one of her biographies, but can't find the image anywhere on the web. I'll have to scan it in one of these days; I cannot do it at work since we do not have a scanner. Har, har. Have library card. Will put it to use.

To make up for all the rough times at work lately, a patron I reserved a book for a couple of weeks ago came over to me today with said book in hand and I was nervous. Did I request the wrong one?! What! No. He simply wanted to thank me for finding it for him. If the whole world had his manners, there would be no such thing as war.

Our fridge has to go, finally. We have reached the "totally not safe to eat anything out of the GE unless you want crippling food poisoning" stage. I so wish I had taken a picture of this, but...anyway, there was an almost full gallon of milk in there I had recently opened and, because the temperature in the fridge gets as cold as nighttime in August, this gallon-o-milk went bad very quickly. The jug bloated so severely that the handle space closed. In addition, it weighed about 15 pounds. When I unscrewed the cap, it hissed like a Coke. And the smell was a real prize winner. I didn't have to smell it; I know. We were afraid that if we just threw it in the garbage can, it might explode.


Verdant Earl said...

The description of the milk made me throw up in my mouth a little.


kimberlina said...

ugh. that bad milk smell is The Worst. especially when it expands like that... D: