Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here are some things about Easter Sunday, 2009:

I experimented in the kitchen. I decided to make a snap judgment at about 9:00 a.m. and poured half-and-half on my cereal. I did this because I had run out of milk and made up the lazy excuse to myself that it was Easter, stores would be closed (they weren't). I am going to come right out and say that, while the first few bites were totally disgusting, I got used to the buttery flavor and finished the whole bowl. I probably won't do it again, but it worked in a pinch.

It turns out, Goodwill stores were open today and let me tell you: they were jammed. Miserably jammed.

Dinner was much better than breakfast - although I could definitely go for a midnight snack.

Goodnight, bunnies.


Verdant Earl said...

I did a hard-boiled egg for a midnight snack tonight.

How un-original.

.......... said...

What conviction... it tasted funny, yet you finished the entire bowl?

I once poured orange juice over cocoa krispies. Too lazy to run out and buy milk. Too hungry (and stubborn) to eat my cereal dry... I finished the bowl as well.

This must be a Scorpio thang.

kimberlina said...

mmmmmmmmmm, it sounds delicious!!

next time try heavy cream. seriously.