Friday, April 03, 2009

April: a name month. My fave name month is May like Mae.

I am having one of those days off where the morning was extremely productive (ran a lot of errands in a short time frame) but the afternoon is turning out to be lazy-girl central. I have been attracted to a couple of books, the nap section of the three o'clock hour, and of course: pets. People ask me how was your weekend? on Sundays, and I am too embarrassed to say that I {snuggle bubbled} it out. So I will publish this to the world, in my anonymous way like I do. I did just change the calendars forward to April, which is a pretty big deal. Maybe people would like to hear about that on Sunday.

I'm actually getting ready to meet a new kitten that a friend adopted very shortly. Woots!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Every time someone asks me how my weekend was, my first response is "You know, I can't remember!" I can never remember what I did because usually it was just play with Jack and maybe go to dinner.

Have a lovely weekend!