Saturday, March 21, 2009

saturday night exhaustion

The weekend was physically grueling (except Friday afternoon when I napped with Jane for a few hours = heaven). On Thursday night, during a run, I tripped on a sidewalk and flung into the air. Upon landing, I skid across the concrete: I have road rash and it effing hurts.

Today we tore up the remaining sod in our backyard which is also somewhat physical. I don't do yard work, really, I just kind of hold rakes and shovels when Steve is looking my way. I'm kidding. I worked hardish and then I read under an awning to a) keep Steve company and b) to stay out of the rain we've been having for like a week straight. Nami Mun's Miles from Nowhere is just what I needed to get back into the swing of reading - it hurts my heart to read this book, but I dig that sort of thing. In fact, I'm off now to conk onto my pillow but first - I'd like to read a chapter or two.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

oh NO! sorry to hear of your fall, it hurts SO MUCH MORE as you get older. :( time seems to stop as you scream "Ooooohhh sheeeeeeeettt" in slow-mo. at least, that's how it works for me.