Friday, March 13, 2009

bizarre girl talk

Had lunch out: feel like a lady about town. Unfortunately, I had my coffee after lunch and not well before - headache in motion. Was standing in line at a local surf shop to pay for some high dollar flip-flops when I was bitten by a very nasty red ant on my neck. On my neck. Neck. OUCH. Those bites are bad enough between toes and on ankles, but the neck? It was like getting a fuck-you hickey from the universe. Jeez! Anyway, am surrounded by four adorable pets begging for some Madge time. Must tend to them! May your Friday afternoons and evenings be full of bliss. Cross your fingers for me that the shuttle Discovery will launch on Sunday. Please! I have been craving a launch since last November...



Ellie said...

My husband, naively believing that "Discovery" would launch on Feb. 12, secretly purchased plane tickets to Orlando to go and see it, which were not refundable. So we found ourselves in Titusville at the start of Race Week, which was instructive in a whole different way (mullets! Cammo! Even more trucks with number 8 on them than we have in Texas!). We saw the shuttle on the launch pad, anyway! Which is closer than I have ever been to such goings on, and was exciting. Good luck!

madge said...

@ellie: oh ellie! i wish i could have you & your husband here to make up for the titusville disaster no-launch. we'll be 100ish miles south, but you can still see it blitz off into space. like a comet.

Naynayfazz said...

This is something you will never see me write since I live in NJ. You are quite lucky to live in FL. Well, minus the red aunt bite/hickey deal.

Naynayfazz said...

I wrote, "aunt" instead of "ant. I am quite embarrassed. May one of your aunts never, ever bite you.

kimberlina said...

this is the good, dear madge: you only had an ant on your neck, when once i found a huge ass ROACH on mine late at night.

can we please trade memories?