Friday, February 20, 2009

remember remember the week of febrember

What has happened since Valentine's Day? I am trying hard to remember.

It was the week of reunion friendships - I've had more dates with friends from past (Florida) times that I can't remember what it's like to live in the present. Just kidding. Always good to catch up with friends who've slipped under the radar.

We've been catching up on past episodes of Fringe and toying with the idea of upgrading our TV (which is what we call our hand-me-down, first generation LCD flat screen).

My reading has somewhat slowed since January (oh who am I kidding; I know exactly what happened: since I finished the Plague of Doves, nothing seems to compare in overall excellence). I am just finishing Split: A Memoir of Divorce (Finnamore, 2008) which is good enough to stick to - you can picture a divorce between a successful California couple, right? There are no hidden depths.

Aside from the reading and the watching of the TV I am getting some lovely fresh air. Don't you worry. I am running now like I know what I am doing, there is a schedule followed, there is the motivation. And it just all came together mysteriously. Mind control is really all you need to run (nice shoes help, but I swear this sport is all in one's head). It is still ridiculously difficult, but I have lassoed the enormity of running and it has made the experience more fun than I can remember.

This photo I took of Coit Tower in San Francisco has been shortlisted for some travel website called Schmap:

coit from w park

Don't know if it'll be included or not, but if it is I'll brag about it.

Now must head to yet another reunion lunch with a pal I adore, so have a lovely day.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

congrats on running and sticking to a schedule! it IS all in your head, and is enormously difficult. it has not clicked for me just yet. and soon it will be summer... aiieee!