Saturday, February 07, 2009

i need to drink more

...water! I simply do not drink enough of the stuff and that's just no good. How does one become a water drinker? I go through spurts of real, true hydration but it never lasts.

On Friday morning, I was lucky to attend a workshop on book arts here. What a lovely collection of handmade books! We were treated to show-and-tell: best of the collection. Very inspiring. And then...we were invited to the letterpress studio. Say what! Since my trip to San Francisco, I have been daydreaming about letterpress printers. And on Friday, I got to crank a Vandercook press and this was the result:


book arts 101

The cover to our class manual! (A Handmade Book in a Nutshell.) We then watched a demonstration on how to make a book by using the single signature pamphlet stitch, and then we made our very own!

in a nutshell


'Twas great fun. And such a fantastic resource practically in my backyard! Who knew...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

When I'm in class I drink tons of water and I have to pee every thirty minutes. Then by the time I get home I'm not drinking enough water again.