Thursday, February 05, 2009

christmas inventory

I took photographic inventory of the 1/2 price cheap-ola Christmas things I scooped up in January for this coming December. Every time I buy something way in advance I a) forget what it is and b) where I it is when I need it. Here's to hoping this helps:

LIGHTS! We slacked on them this year:
lights unplugged

Plaid ornaments for tying on packages:
lumberjack heart

lumberjack tree

Silver glittery alphabet stickers x 7 for gift tags:
glitter alphabet

Golden glittery tiny pinecones, also to tie on packages:
mini pinecones

And these trees x 5 (which, note to self, might be really easy to make):
dollar trees 4

dollar trees1

dollar trees 2

dollar trees 3

I also got two rolls of wrapping paper, but they are already in the attic! At least I know that much.

1 comment:

.......... said...

2009's packages are going to be so ridiculously awesome.

am particularly in love with the timeless, lumberjack-plaid ornaments :)