Wednesday, December 24, 2008

christmas eve, montana

Usually, when I am on vacation, I make it a point to disconnect from the blog and RSS feeds (aka crack).  However the reverse of that has been true:  I am blogging less and less at home.  Consider this the comeback; I've missed the writing.
We are in Montana right now - I have a view mountains, evergreens covered in snow, skiers and ski lifts.  It is beautiful and up there.  Like, 7,000 feet up there.  Also, gloriously remote!  Plenty of pictures to follow. 
There was a little bit of drama prior to our departure.  I pulled an all-nighter (I think my very first).  Unfortunately, we clipped one of Cole's nails too short and blood gushed and gushed out of it.  Everywhere.  We Googled ways to make it stop:  first we dunked his back paw in flour, which helped stop it but only for a short time.  Curious about the smell of flour -- D. Sergei began licking his wound!  D. Sergei who eats everything.  Finally after a few hours of tending to Cole, Steve superglued his toenail and that finally stopped the bleeding.  Phew.
I had plans for some heavy plane-reading: cover-to-cover, the Illustrated Jane Eyre.  No such luck!  I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.  But I don't think I was awake.  I didn't read. 
Now I am smack in the middle of a winter wonderland and nothing sounds cozier than reading. 
By the way - Christmas Eve is my favorite day.  I love it still.  I hope you're celebrating the day with those you love and give your pets an extra treat or two. 
[more to come]

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

oh lordy, it's the worst when one of your babies are bleeding all over the place!! very stressful. thankfully, our cats just leave their used talons in our carpet (awaiting sensitive foot flesh to prick), so we don't have to snip them, thus avoiding crazy gushing toenail blood.

do enjoy the snow for me! it's so HOT here.