Sunday, September 28, 2008

sunday a.m. frazzle

A new week begins...I'm starting it off with the craziest hair day since the 3rd grade class picture we do not speak of...

While at Reference Desk this morning, serving all who need me (even if it is to spell check the word temporary), I am going to plan out my meals for the week.  When I am fantastically broke, I suddenly find the creative energy within to become the person I always wished I was.  Maybe everyone who's fabulously organized is just plain old effing broke.


kimberlina said...

i do not doubt it. not the hair, the broke = creative comment. it definitely forces you to start seeking out recipes and cooking at home. the mark bittman ht cook everything vegetarian is phenomenal! (could you spell check that for me?)

.......... said...

i'd like to see this unmentionable third grade photo...