Monday, September 08, 2008

start/finish/always something

  • Tomorrow I possibly have jury duty.  At one point, I was dreading it - then I had to postpone it because of a vacation, and now it's back on, if I'm called to serve. I will know after 5pm.  Anyway, I would love to have jury duty booty all week.  All I can think is I might have the chance to read when permitted or doodle my brains out, even if I'm sitting on a hard chair.  The best part is that I'll get to carpool with Steve. 
  • Last night I finished A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers and it was so, so great.  I did my usual Goodreads ritual, wherein after I finish a book, I read through the reader reviews on the title and either shake my head or nod (yes! yes! I like you!).  
  • To be continued, after 5pm? 

1 comment:

Kate said...

If the hard chair gets uncomfortable, there's a puzzle room to which you can retreat with jigsaws and whatnot. But generally jury duty is a day full of reading!

What book will you start next?