Sunday, September 21, 2008

library book notebook

A new series? I´m not sure. That implies an end and I don´t know if I´ll ever stop doing this; I´ve wanted to do it for a long time. What? Just sharing the small things (mostly from books) that inspire me for personal reference. If you´re inspired too? Then we are both winners; yes, you and me. Winning blue ribbons without effort! These are not my photographs. Well, not originally. Disclaimer: I feel a little bit strange taking a picture of a picture; I´m most likely breaking copyright laws. I am not trying to pass this off as my own work. I just get inspired by things in borrowed books. I can´t have the book forever (even librarians have to pay fines!), but I can´t tear out the page that I want, either. I no longer have easy access to a scanner, but my camera does a pretty darn good job of copying the image. So, there you have it.

From Simply contemporary : inspirations for the modern home (dos Santos & Thompson, 2006) (is there are copy at your library?):






and burning books never looked so cozy:

burning books

and wtf? not all cats were created equal; this one looks expensive, rare and totally bitchy:

creep cat

snarling princess kitty:

creep cat 2


1 comment:

kimberlina said...

oh SHIT.

that cat is going to give me nightmares, madge!!