Sunday, July 13, 2008

on fooling you, sewing, and work

Sunday is here again (not Nicole Kidman's daughter; the actual day of the week.  I sure fooled you, didn't I?). 
Not a lot of news to weekend went by too quickly, but I managed to get some things done.  The housework, yes, the housework.  I took a whack at it and so did Steve.  We cleaned our office and I went through all of my fabric - covered in dust - and made a promise to myself that I will start *sewing* again.  We interrupt this blog post to ask Kimberlina how she is liking her sexyhot Bernina?  Do you love it?  Do you recommend it?  I have two sewing machines that are both out of order - ok, one is not (my grandma's brand X; she bought it the year I was born, but the tension gives me more agony than it's worth), but the other (Steve's mom's machine - a Pfaff) definitely needs a tune up.  Both of them are older machines.  Maybe I'm in the market for a new one.  I grew up using first my mom's Singer and then when she upgraded to a Bernina, I swore I would never sew on anything else.  Maybe it's time to prove that swearing is OK.
Well, time to get to work...library doors are almost open to public.  You lovely public.  Want to hear about the lady patron with the spittle collecting at her lower lip as she told me about the calluses on her feet?  No?  My stomach if full; I don't even want to remember it.  *gag*


Verdant Earl said...

She named her kid Sunday?

I mean Tuesday has some history with Tuesday Weld. And Wednesday has, well...Wednesday from the Addams Family. And Friday has lots of them. His Girl Friday. Her Guy Friday. Joe Friday.

Those all make sense.

But Sunday? That just sacrilage! ;)

Spinning Girl said...

If I ever have a girl baby I am going to name her Bernina.

kimberlina said...

i. LOVE. my bernina. it's so strong and powerful! and i seriously almost forgot how to use it in the weeks between when i bought it and now, what with comps and all.

what's neat is that the bernina comes with classes - for life! just two of them, just on how to use the machine, but i'm excited to learn how to use all my feet and how to sew buttonholes! :D

Kate said...

Oh, to be good enough to know when tension is off...

FRITZ said...

Sewing? What is sewing? Isn't this some primitive form of dressing one's body?

Oh, no, wait. I was thinking about knitting.

My mother the seamstress has a Bernina. That thing can freaking read her mind. She is obsessed with her sewing machine and her fancy Japanese stitching. Of course, when she got it, I said, "Holy SHIT you spent how much on that thing? Do you know how much YARN I could buy with that kind of money?"

Clearly, my mother and I speak different languages.

It's nice to see you around, dearest.