Friday, July 18, 2008

disappearing acts

Countless. Yes, that's how many posts I've started over the week that never made it beyond the first few sentences. I did write a post in Google Docs today, but it misfired twice and wound up somewhere in my favorite third place, Internet.

In all things media:
  • I was finally able to borrow the soundtrack from ONCE and it is so so so great; listening to it is kind of like watching the movie again and again, which a friend of mine has done (10 times!). I couldn't do that, but I could listen to it 10 times in one go.
  • I finished reading I'm Looking Through You (Boylan, 2008). I was taken with the subtitle: Growing up haunted which my brain automatically took for Growing up in a Haunted House Let's Talk About Spooks and Ghosts CAMPFIRE LORE. My brain was half correct. Yes, the author grows up in a creepy haunted house, but the real ghost in the closet is the author's secret desire to be a woman - which he eventually becomes in later life. Whoa, transsexual surprise! And once a ghost, always a ghost. Quite a fast read for even my slow eyeballs.
  • Now I'm reading another memoir - Swallow the Ocean (Flynn, 2008). It's starting kind of slooow, but the reviews have been promising so I'll hold out a few more chapters.
Afraid this might get deleted, or something. Publishing now.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

i start them in the car, on the way to work. or in the shower. they are quite difficult to pin down!