Thursday, June 05, 2008


What happens when you are stressed out? You get sick.

I spent almost the entire day sleeping and/or coughing. I came up for air long enough to watch a couple of from-the-library flicks (27 Dresses +
ONCE). I nary watch a rom/com but I knew I could throw 27 Dresses in, pay attention only halfway and still be an above average viewer. As for ONCE, we watched it over dinner and thought it was quite delightful.

Unfortunately I've been lazy about reading lately. However, that's changing. In my car, I'm listening to Her Last Death (by Susanna Sonnenberg and read by her, too), reading The Mistress's Daughter (A.M. Homes) and A Charmed Life: Growing up in Macbeth's Castle (Liza Campbell). I'm a sucka for memoirs - always have been - and thankfully I've stumbled upon three of equal greatness at a time when I needed a swift kick in the reading department.


kimberlina said...

i loved once, it was so sweet. and i think i may have 27 dresses on its way to me. i hope i hope! either that or evil dead. hmm...

pls tell me that you found yourself with oodles of free time once classes were over. right? i honestly can't imagine life w/o classes. reading assignments on my lunch breaks. taking entire weekends for reading projects and papers. comps are next week. AIIIEEEE!!

BUT, i hope you're feeling better! kim recommends garlic pills (not the wet ones, they make your burps gross) and ginger tea (with fresh ginger!).

Kate said...

I ♥ Once.

.......... said...

get well soon, madge...

beans and me.