Saturday, June 21, 2008

something new: your why answered

I'm a few days shy of blogging for three years. Without a doubt, this is one of the things I'm most proud of; yet it's mostly an anonymous accomplishment (in reality, only my sisters and Steve know about this; hi guys!). I began blogging thinking I could take a stab at the preppy culture I was obsessed with in June 2005 ('duck motif' was a too obscure reference to The Official Preppy Handbook). In one of my first posts, I took a very cheap shot at a couple featured in the hoity-toity Town & Country Wedding pages. I was new at blogging, so I used their *real* names and included *their photograph* without disguise. They (or someone who knew them) found the post and returned approximately four times, shuddering I can imagine, over the course of a week. It made me feel awful when I discovered that. I pulled it. Around that time I gave up on the preppy thing. I'm still obsessed - a sociologist of the upper American echelons I will always be - it's just not that cool to blog about and sticking with a theme? That's hard work (you who can pull it off are my heroes). Thereafter the Town & Country incident, I found my mundane little life intensely more interesting to write about and three years later I still do. But the duck motif url was getting old, three years old, and I needed to change it to something a little more fitting.

Here's to a few more years, at least. Thank you for coming and for coming back. I heart you all.


Verdant Earl said...

Nice digs.

I see that you were able to bring all of your old content with you. Just curious...did you just change your url or did you create a whole new blog and move it all over?

I had an incident over at my blog just in the past month in which I blogged about someone who we knew that robbed banks. Someone he was related to read it, I don't know how, and commented. I felt awful and removed the post.

And now I find myself trying even harder to keep my shit anonymous. Like your situation, only Gia and a few friends know about my blog. I wanna keep it that way.

Anyway. Found you!

madge said...

Yes; I just changed my url - it was very swift. However, I then realized that unless I sent out a mass e-mail no one would find me here. My old url was available to reregister, so I immediately reclaimed it and the rest is history. All of my old content is here. Nothing really changed except the url.

I'm pro-anonymity! Sometimes there are situations in my life that I'd *love* to blog about, but then I think of all the Google Ph.D's out there. Eeeeeeeee.

.......... said...

"i will hunt you down..." yes, i have a little mariah within me.