Sunday, June 22, 2008

on going about it all wrong

When I was in Portland last week, it occured to me that I don't start a lot of things because I'm afraid I won't immediately be an expert or understand what I'm doing (i.e. with cooking, craft, quilting, biking, marathoning, etc). Do you know how sad this was for me to realize? It made me so blue. Anything I start, from here on out, is going to take some time. I'm completely okay with that. Mistakes, you are more than welcome in my life. I'm not afraid of you anymore.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

hear hear!!

i am very much the same way. like, i love photography, but feel like such an amateur. i get so self-conscious about it, instead of just enjoying myself.

also, i've made some pretty damn atrocious dinners while attempting to cook. ;)