Sunday, June 29, 2008

lists within lists, ohmy

  • Today is my sister's birthday. 31! Happy Birthday Emmy!
  • Tonight, I *finally* finished The Secret History. I think I began reading it in March? Such an accomplishment for my slow eyeballs. It was quite worth the time spent. Anyone out there read it and, what'd you think?
  • Next on the reading block? Miranda July's No One Belongs Here More Than You. I have a very short loan period on this one - as it came interlibrary (I'm borrowing it from Key West; this thrills me).
  • I can read that book fast - seeing as after Monday I won't report to work FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK.
    • Sub-list: week off and, what will I do?
      • Been contemplating the nablopomo for July. The theme is food. I'm trying to be in the kitchen more. Not that I intend for this to become a foodie blog...but maybe it will at least make me post + pack a lunch daily. Yeah.
      • Photos! I edited several from my jaunt to Portland but I want some of them printed for family.
      • THRIFT.
      • SHOP.
      • EXTRAVAGANZA. (3 bullets for one activity: I am serious.)
      • Ritual home cleanse.
      • Dream of setting up sewing machine / riding bike.
      • Lounge / love / pull weeds / read magazines.
  • Well, I just want to start reading my next book.

1 comment:

kimberlina said...

happy birthday to emmy! :D i heart birthdays, truly. (as long as i still get carded.) ;)

oh, your plans sound SO lovely. soon i shall join you in making them!!!!