Friday, May 30, 2008

rubber ducky pirate


Guarding my cubicle @ work.

P.S. If ever there was a week that I wish I wasn't a librarian, I'd save that wish for this week. People suck; they are lunatics; I hate jerks.


Verdant Earl said...

I watched the 3rd "Pirates of the Caribbean" film a while back and that rubber ducky is more interesting as a pirate than anything in the movie.


porcelain said...

I have that little guy. He guards my car for me.

I agree -- people are rude and inconsiderate... but there are a few our there that make it worth the while...

kimberlina said...

oy, some weeks are definitely worse than others. i'll get my mafia on it right away!

*hug* *hands you a glass of CLIT*