Monday, April 07, 2008


Unfortunately, because I cannot keep anything neat or tidy beyond twenty minutes, my home office has become a place I least like to "be." I'm reminded, in here, that I'm a messy person that never sews, reads, creates, etc. Instead, I'm a collector of useless papers, chairs, baskets. It is enough to make me want to throw my head against the wall and seriously ask, "What the hell happened to you?" I'm disgusted! I should take a picture of this crap vacuum:


Look at that! Help! It's so depressing.


kimberlina said...

oh SHIT, madge, seriously, thank you.

no offense, but it's refreshing to know that you're human. ;) you're like, seriously, my paragon of cool and hip and beautiful and pyrex and inspiration and bubbly.

and i think, she's so much better than me! *wail*

but now i know that you've got crazy messy tendencies, too! huzzah! this is the wine talking, btw.

music recommendation: the ghost orchid. it's like... a happier explosions in the sky. and wonderful on a glass of wine. it's like... undersea. or the sky. i like that sort of brittle crystal sound.

ok, ending soon, but for your space, i suggest... well, no flash. flash makes many things way uglier than they really are. so take another pic, sans flash, and sigh a little that it's really not that bad. and drink some veuve. and get to it.

Anonymous said...

Dear god that's a small font.

Ellie said...

How interesting: my own work space looks like that, except worse, much worse. The trouble is that my computer puts me with my back to everything-- so I focus on my stupid computer because it's so much easier than actually cleaning up my room, and I never create anything. But I don't even know you and I'm impressed by your creativity just from what I see on your blog, which seems like the tip of the iceberg, so it can't be that bad. Right?

Kate said...

You would feel so good to see our closet in the nursery. It makes me feel like I'm in danger of turning into one of the hoaders featured on Oprah.

Kate said...

shoot. hoarders.

not hoaders.