Friday, April 18, 2008


I have a lovely friend who loaned me a copy of Juno for the weekend. She held it close to her heart before she gave it to me and said, "I love this movie. If you don't like it, I can't hear about it." Because of that and
  1. the hype
  2. the preview I saw
  3. the cast
I *assumed* I too would hold this movie close to my heart. Ok, then I started the movie.

And then, Juno speaks. Help! All that overboard teen slang, the half-words, the I'm diff, I'm clev, the awkward way she said dude and silencio. It drove me bananas. It felt like I was listening to someone read Perez Hilton out loud. The story itself was decent but I wish Michael Cera was the one who got pregnant and that Ellen Page (damn you!) was the back story.
  1. don't believe the hype
  2. slick previews are usually better than movies
  3. Allison Janney is still the greatest
Out come the teeth!


kimberlina said...

i feel you. it was a little too "hip." however, i got over it really fast when she said "pork swords" and now i, too, am in the "lover" category. rowr.

Ellie said...


Now, see, for me, the slang was terrible, terrible, and then "pork swords" pretty much buried it, and the rest of the movie had to work really hard to win me over to the "I don't hate it poisonously" side, which is where I am now.

Lauren said...

I haven't seen it yet. Weird thing. This is the second time today I have heard a bad review. The only ones. Everybody else is in love with it.

Verdant Earl said...

Gia watched it without me and she can't stop quoting it, which I actually find a little annoying.

I'll get to it one of these days.

Kate said...

I hate that the previews give away the ending. Even if it is obvious and not exactly a twist, why spoil it?