Thursday, April 10, 2008

the celebration, the shin, the orchid

Some exciting, toast-worthy news: I passed my one-year probation at work. While not difficult (I rule, people, I really do), I have the tendency to put my nerves on eggshells for these kinds of things. You know, I was that asshole who got A's but was always like, "Gee, I don't know...I think I failed the final exam." I'm kidding. I mean, sometimes, I was that asshole. However, my one-year perks? Key to the building (ooh la la), more vacation hours, cha-ching, and clout.

Steve and I played racquetball tonight and afterward, I thought it would be awesome to swing my shin directly into the trailer hitch on his truck. It was a horrible moment and I cried.

Now, an uplifting moment:

Remember this?


Now, it looks like this:

holy s!


kimberlina said...

hurray!! how wonderful that you get more vacation time and cha-ching! i got.... ... hm, nothing. *sob* hillsborough county is on a pay freeze. sucky for me!

your flowers are beautiful and i hope your shin feels better soon!! i HATE doing that. those things are made to be run into, i swear.

Kate said...



Oh my!

Tits McGee said...

Your orchid just made my head explode.

Kisses for the shin!

Spinning Girl said...

I have orchid envy.