Sunday, April 06, 2008

april showers

All the posts come at once, don't they?

Below: I love this color combination; Steve hates it! It reminds me of Oregon and Sunset:


That was taken at Mounts Botanical Garden and so was this - an herb garden:

And this too:


Whoa! It's stormy out there tonight!

Little need-tos:

*Madge, start reading again! WTF!
*Start listening to music again! WTF! (Any recommendations?)
*Finalize Graceful Envelope!


kimberlina said...

hm, for music, i like to check out npr's archived 'song of the day'. it's a great way to hear blips of things.

i love that last photo - it's so... movement-y. and that's the official term, i'll have you know.

Verdant Earl said...

Is that last pic of a bird of paradise plant?