Thursday, March 06, 2008

list no. 6

home sick with a blasted cold. not feeling too swell. so maybe another list of nonsense. sound good?

the orchids have exploded once again; this is only one of several:

  • i love the way d. sergei loves cole.
  • finished the big girls, now i'm reading the secret history (oh. i can tell i'm going to like this one very much so). unfortunately, the copy i have from the library is filthy! and this never bothered me before. except, now that i work in a library, it really bothers me.
  • because last week at work? i accidentally touched a fresh slimy booger on a public computer terminal. *gag*
  • it's all sunshine in south florida today. if i felt any better, i think i might do the unthinkable: go in the backyard and read.
  • however, i'm dreadfully tired.
  • i might make some ice tea, have a bite (though why? i cannot taste a thing), and cozy up with pets.


kimberlina said...

if i get the chance to shelve, or check books in, i have to wash my hands - they turn black!! some of the people who work here wear gloves when checking items in.

and we have pee splash stains on the columns inside the building.
very ew.

Verdant Earl said...

Gia's sister just got a puppy. Well, she's 5-6 months old. She has two cats. One is pretty social and the other one is a psychotic mess who only likes her, me (sometimes) and the other cats. Everyone else gets her wrath, and it's not pretty.

Except that she sleeps and cuddles with the new puppy like it was her own baby. The "social" cat can't stand the dog, and she does stuff to piss it off all the time. Who can figure these cats out?

Lauren said...

Do y'all have a magic wand over there? My god those orchids are beautiful. Your windows are great too.

Spinning Girl said...

I have orchid envy.

boogers = yuck.

Kate said...

please feel better asap
pets are lovely
my hands are dry from overwashing
ah, sunshine