Tuesday, March 04, 2008

list no. 4

lame list i just scribbled at work:
  • claim periodicals, A-L
  • make dewey signage since we shifted the stacks around
  • make express terminal signs
  • a word on signs:  i got a masters in library science with a concentration in making signs in publisher
now, for other business:
  • saw american gangster last night, ewww, barf:  i cannot watch people shooting heroin. 
  • this will make me the world's most hated person, but denzel is sort of a douche.  a handsome douche, but he talks about acting like he is making a difference in the world.  i just hate when actors stroke their egos like that.
  • steve bought us a coffee maker last night!  woot!
  • i'm hungry


kimberlina said...

i know, heroin shooting is just awful! also, denzel has a wonky pinkie, fyi.

the other night we watched deja vu. not sure how much it changed my "world". hm.

.......... said...

me too. hungry, that is. woot!

Kat said...

I think that some of them do. It's the shit stars that do nothing but get in trouble that ruin it for the rest. In some respects all the world really is their stage so they should do something good with it.

And that just reminded me that I had a dream last night that Oprah was taking money under the table. Weird.

Verdant Earl said...

Oprah is taking money under the table. You think she "gives away" all that loot for free? C'mon! That's one seriously financially astute woman.