Sunday, March 02, 2008

list no. 2

  • i have an in with luck these days. 4 bottles of Veuve are in my fridge, right now. i feel like i have inherited the earth. have i? i'm pretty meek. i usually drink Cook's.
  • family wedding is over - i think the best part was getting to know an out-of-town aunt of Steve's. and ---------. which is horrible to admit but partaking is also ridiculously fun; it gets from one side to the next. i might have to edit that out. you may never know what i said. a-ha! you don't! because, even, the dashes are only a fraction of what i really said. but please, do try to guess in the comments.
  • this is a list of strange proportions.
  • which leads me to wonder:
    • what does a list look like?
  • many people are sick right lately. there's this awful virus going around these parts. so far i have the immunity idol.
  • making lists. it's fun.


Lauren said...

doing Steve in the ladies room on the sly?

smoking pot in the gym?

or the last and least offensive idea I had:

laughing at people who are drunk and dancing horribly?

Verdant Earl said...

I immediately thought of "smoking pot" as well, but here are my top 5 guesses.

5 - The post-Wedding sex.
4 - Taking up-skirt photos of the bridesmaids.
3 - Doing the Macarena.
2 - Doing the Chicken Dance.
1 - Making lists.

Kate said...

I love this post. But I can't guess because I am bad at these things. And I haven't a clue because you seem like you wouldn't do things you'd have to edit, but then I really wonder. Do you really have to edit or do you really do things you must edit? Can you tell I've had a bit to drink tonight?

Ookami Snow said...

I think the missing phrase is that you had fun line dancing.